Equibusiness search results: showing 30 - 40 of 41 total

You searched for 'Clipping'

Manufacture, supply, service and repair of clippers and accessories
Clipping Manufacturer
01392 460077
Wahl (UK) Ltd
Manufacturer and distributer of Clippers/Trimmers and grooming accessories
01227 740066 / (07801 465467)
Clipping and grooming equipment. Clipper sharpening and repair service. On Line catalogue
01291 650543
Cox Agri
UK Distributors of Heiniger Clippers plus other grooming and farrier products
01207 529000
online supplier of Agricultural and equestrian related products such as electric fencing, horse clippers and country wear.
+0 (203) 287-3555
Clipper Blade SharpeningClipper Servicing,Electric Fencing Supplies
+0 (193) 235-0609
Europe's largest website for all tupes of animal and horse clippers. Express mail order service , buyers guide
01424 882900
Clipper blade resharpening, repairs and distribution
0191 2596666
online saddleries offering everything for horse and rider.

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"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery