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Established in 1920, Scotts of Thrapston is the country's leading supplier of timber stables.
Prime Stables
Prime Stables are timber stable builders and manufacturers of other timber buildings, providing a complete range of stable solutions for housing horses and other animals, garages and workshops for us mere mortals, delivering and installing throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Channel Islands, Belgium, France and other countries in mainland Europe.
Manufacturers and erectors of equestrian buidings including stables and field shelters.
01233 740944
Whiteford stables based near Glasgow, Supplies quality stables, field shelters, towable shelters
+0 (156) 048-5254
Colt Stables
Colt Stables provide high quality timber stables at unbeatable prices. Everything we do is about saving money and passing those savings onto you, the customer.
Oakley Stables offer 30 years of experience in the building of high quality timber frame buildings.
+0 (142) 868-5083
Manufacturer of Timber Stables & Equestrian Buildings
+0 (123) 361-1123
Broadfield Stables have been supplying quality timber stables, garages other timber buildings since 1978. As a stable manufacturer we pride ourselves on the quality of our product and our ability to supply at affordable prices. Our key strengths over the years have been fast delivery, reasonable pricing and a real passion for quality and repeat business. As family run business we aim to build a strong reputation in the timber building industry, repeat business and recommendation is our bread and butter and very important to us. Listening to our customers ideas to ensure we are up to date with a constantly evolving market, although we would love to take credit for them some of our best developments have been our customers ideas. As new materials are developed and other materials become commercially available these are added to enhance our buildings.
Thistle Stables supplies quality stables, field shelters, arenas, towable field shelters, loose boxes, bespoke building
Premier quality timber equestrian buildings including shelters, stables, barns and internals.
0800 132386

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Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery