Equibusiness search results: showing 10 - 20 of 36 total

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Arabian Stud and livery centre set in the heart of the surrey bridle paths at the gate. No roadwork. Professional owner on site 24hrs per day. Stabling for holiday horses.
01306 730959
Stabling liveries, lesson, show jumping, horse training
01253 811777 / (+0 (791) 716-3892)
Equestrian construction company. 25yrs Exp. Stabling, Fencing, Shelters, Arenas, Groundworks, Drainage,Planning & more
07789433785 / (01489690326)
Low-cost field shelters, stabling, tack rooms and hay stores carefully handmade to order, manufactured by us
0 1794 367770
Transport Horses :- England, Ireland & Europe. Excellent stabling while in transit if required. Fully licenced
01748 822803 / (0797 576712)
Stabling and Livery Yard, Cross Country Course
0191 5293559
Family run equestrian centre, stabling for upto 100 horses
02892621139 / (07720711326) / (02892621853)
Golden M Ltd
Mobile stabling
01367 870101 / (07767 411445)
Specialist in quality stabling, garages, garden offices
01892 782494
Our facilities include a large indoor riding school as well as an outdoor one, both well lit and close to the stabling and our extensive car park. The grazing is superb and, although Townfoot is predominantly an arable farm, we have wide grass tracks around most of the fields, thus providing lots of safe and enjoyable off-road hacking and pony trekking.

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What they say

"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery