Equibusiness search results: showing 0 - 10 of 36 total

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Established in 1920, Scotts of Thrapston is the country's leading supplier of timber stables.
Sectional buildings, timber stables,mobile shelters, American barns
01568 708206
01303 862061
Specialists in the building of stables as well as rubber matting
01904 430630
Holidays for horses in the Exmoor National Park. B&B & Self catering
01598 763568
stockleigh Lodge, country house B & B, offering stabling and holidays for horses, in the centre of Exmoor National Park. Maps, guide and turnout available.
01643 831500
Excellent riding on open moorland. Farmhouse B&B. Stabling for ponies & horses.
01388 537600
Horse transport service up to 5 horses at one time. Overnight Stabling
01922 454813 / (07044 072069)
Pigeon House Equestrian is surrounded by over forty acres of pasture land and situated close to Woodstock, just outside the beautiful city of Oxford. Pigeon House Equestrian offer riding tuition, livery services and are also a Pony Club Centre. Adjacent to the stabling is a large floodlit all-weather arena and permanent grass show jumping, cross-country and dressage training areas. Caters for riders aged 6 years plus

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What they say

"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery